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Drew Green hits it Out of the Park, as Per Usual.


Last year at Dragoncon I had all of thirty or so minutes total to escape my booth in the Artist Bazaar to explore the Comic side of the gallery. I did so with one specific purpose: to find and purchase a piece by a friend whose art I've been growing increasingly obsessed with for years now- Drew Green. His work is whimsical, streamlined and comes off effortlessly fluid. He brings a playfulness and joy to his pieces that I would kill to be able to bring into my own, and his colors are always perfect. Even more impressive to me, however, is his ability to translate likenesses into his signature style- something I've always had a mental block with.

I knew what I wanted before I even got there: a commissioned Drew Green piece of my very own. I didn't care how long it would take, but I not only wanted the sketch that he was offering at the convention itself, but a piece with background and color (something that, due to his incredibly busy schedule, would take much, much longer to complete). This way not only would I own a true original (the line work he does by hand) but also the completed digital product. Luckily he was game for it, and I gave him the topic: not just of me, but me in my Slutty Finn cosplay. Something so ridiculous felt like a perfect match for his animated style. And now, finally, I have the final product. BEHOLD!

The result is even greater than I was hoping for. Thank you, Drew, for such a wonderful piece for me to cherish forever.

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