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Nudtendo playing card update!

It's been a long, tiresome, frustrating road. Every project is bound to have hiccups, but this one was especially fraught with issues. Production delays, lost samples, long periods of time where it was hard to get ahold of anyone, more lost samples, and at least one instance where someone accidentally almost started the project over from scratch- this has not been easy (truthfully it's been a nightmare). And while every single correspondent at the printing company I chose to use has been extremely nice and all seemed to be trying their best to reach the finish line- when a project such as this changes hands as many times as this one did there are bound to be issues. Not anyone's fault individually- but when taken as a whole it leaves a lot to be desired. HOWEVER! With a lot of negotiation and the company doing their very best to get these to me before the holiday season I can finally write a post with the results of all this hard work. As of yesterday I got my hands on the production samples, and they are LOVELY. Without further ado, I'm proud to present: Aedan Robert's LIMITED EDITION NÃœDTENDO PLAYING CARDS!

This is a professional poker-card stock, limited edition (signed and numbered) set of gold foil playing cards. If you'd like to get a copy go here!

To see the original series go here!

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